The Negative Effect of TV - Nowadays, the crime rates are increasing. Some people suppose that it is caused by the advanced technology. One of them is television. There are many TV stations that give you everything you need. They are news, advertisement, entertainment, quiz, etc. Nobody can deny the power of television. It has an enourmous influence on our lives. On the average, American spend twenty-eight hours a week watching televison. By age eighteen, a student watches TV for 15.000 hours and goes to school for only 11.000 hours.
Many parents have the fear about television. Their children are not going to read books or finish their homework because watching television was easier and more interisting. Television was also going to fill aour minds with violence, hate, and intolerance. Many people become a consumerism because of the advertisement.
The greatest influence of television is from movie or drama. Perhaps some of them give good lessons to the audience but the other give negative input to them. For example, it shows how to steal or rob in the bank, how to solve the problem with anger and violence, how to break the family unity with various strategies and many other examples. On one hand, it asks us to decide something but on the other hand most common people use it for learning bad action.
The answered question is that influence good or bad? It is hard enough to measure influences. It is even harder to decide what is good and what isn't. What is good that many people are concerned about television's influence, and that we have power to change what we don't like.
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